Judge Engelhart Among Leaders in HBA Qualifications Poll
The Houston Bar Association recently released its 2017 Judicial Qualifications Poll. Among the 24 Civil District Judges in Harris County (Houston) Texas, Judge Engelhart was among the leaders again this year. He finished:
3rd out of 24: Overall Evaluation*
3rd out of 24: Works Hard and is Prepared*
2nd out of 24: Courteous and Attentive Towards Attorneys and Witnesses*
4th out of 24: Follows the Law*
3rd out of 24: Rules Decisively and Timely*
* Combined “Excellent” and “Very Good” ratings.
It was also very gratifying to Judge Engelhart that so many HBA members took the time to vote about his qualifications, and did so positively.
Thanks to all who took the time to vote.
The entire poll may be found here: 2017 HBA Poll. The results for Harris County Civil District Judges only may be found here: HBA Poll – Civil District Judges Only.