Judge Engelhart Appointed to Both Gender Fairness Committee and Professionalism Committee by HBA President
On Friday, May 31, 2019, Judge Mike Engelhart was appointed by Houston Bar Association President Benny Agosto, Jr. to serve as a member of both the Gender Fairness Committee and the Professionalism Committee of the HBA.
The appointments mean a great deal to the Judge as both committees promote activities that are important to him. Judge Engelhart has always promoted gender equity in the legal profession, and makes it a point to hire female law clerks every summer, and to have younger, often female attorneys take the lead role in hearings over their older male colleagues when possible.
Judge Engelhart speaks frequently at CLE seminars and emphasizes the importance of professionalism and ethics in the practice of law. These two committees could not be better fits. The Judge looks forward to digging in and becoming a central part in each committee.