Campaign Smashes Through Fundraising Goal for First 7 Week Fundraising Period
Judge Engelhart and his campaign set an ambitious fundraising goal for the first 7 weeks of our campaign, and the campaign smashed through it. Our supporters made it happen! In just 48 days from the start of fundraising for our 2020 re-election bid, Judge Engelhart’s 2020 re-election campaign raised $117,594. Thanks to the hard work of the campaign team and volunteers, that’s what it will report for the period between May 13, 2019 and June 30, 2019!
Early strong fundraising like that says a lot about the health and strength of a campaign. Judge Engelhart’s team showed that they are in the 2020 race to soundly defeat any and all challengers on either side of the aisle.
Our campaign continues on. Please contribute today to keep our momentum going!