
Judge Engelhart Elected Civil Administrative Judge by All Civil District Judges in Harris County

Published on 4/11/18

In December 2017, Judge Engelhart was unanimously elected Civil Administrative Judge for the 24 Civil District Courts of Harris County, Texas.  Harris County is the third largest county in the United States and the largest in Texas. As Civil Administrative Judge, or “Civil AJ,” Judge Engelhart is responsible for formulating and implementing policies that are shared amongst the 24 courts, interacting with other county bodies, and running the monthly meetings of the Board of Civil Judges. The position has a 1 year term, with the possibility of a second consecutive term.

Judge Engelhart Among Leaders in HBA Qualifications Poll

Published on 12/28/17


The Houston Bar Association recently released its 2017 Judicial Qualifications Poll.  Among the 24 Civil District Judges in Harris County (Houston) Texas, Judge Engelhart was among the leaders again this year.  He finished:

3rd out of 24: Overall Evaluation*

3rd out of 24: Works Hard and is Prepared*

2nd out of 24: Courteous and Attentive Towards Attorneys and Witnesses*

4th out of 24: Follows the Law*

3rd out of 24: Rules Decisively and Timely*

* Combined “Excellent” and “Very Good” ratings.

It was also very gratifying to Judge Engelhart that so many HBA members took the time to vote about his qualifications, and did so positively.

Thanks to all who took the time to vote.

The entire poll may be found here:  2017 HBA Poll.  The results for Harris County Civil District Judges only may be found here:  HBA Poll – Civil District Judges Only.



Judge Engelhart Throws Out First Pitch at Astros Game

Published on 9/26/17

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On August 17, 2017, Judge Engelhart was honored to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Houston Astros game against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Minute Maid Park.  Judge Engelhart’s wife, Eva, and sons Joey and Zachary, and some green furry guy in an Astros jersey named Orbit were in attendance as well.


Published on 1/31/17

Thanks to everyone for your help and support, and for your VOTES!  We won by over 96,000 votes, 53.75% to 46.25%.  We received the second highest vote margin of any judicial candidate in Harris County for the second election in a row.  We are proud of the campaign we ran and for the huge amount of help you gave us as well.  I could not be more excited about this opportunity to continue to serve the citizens of Harris County, Texas for at least four more years!


Published on 8/30/16

ENDORSEMENT ALERT: I am very proud and happy to report that I have been endorsed for re-election in 2016 by the Harris County Labor Assembly and the Harris County AFL-CIO! Thank you to their hard working members for this great honor. I am grateful to have the support of the working men and women of this great county!


Published on 8/12/16

Judge Mike Engelhart of the 151st Civil District Court was endorsed last Saturday, August 6, 2016, by the influential civil rights organization, the Houston GLBT Political Caucus.  Judge Engelhart has never failed to win this group’s all-important endorsement, which distributes highly sought-after slate cards at polling places all over Harris County during early voting and on election day.  “I could not be more proud of an endorsement, and more fortunate, than to have been recommended for re-election by the GLBT Caucus,” Engelhart said.  “This will have a huge impact on my chances for re-election, and my ability to continue to serve the good people of Harris County.”  Engelhart’s opponent did not immediately publicly comment.

Texas Senate Recognizes Judge Mike Engelhart!

Published on 7/24/16

Judge Mike Engelhart was recently recognized by the Texas Senate, as sponsored by State Senator Sylvia Garcia.  Senate Proclamation 259 congratulates Judge Engelhart for winning the 2016 University of Houston Alumni Association Public Sector Achievement Award.  Thank you you to Senator Garcia and the Texas Senate.  We could not be more proud of this accomplishment, and we’re grateful for this great honor.





Published on 7/23/16

We are very proud to announce that we have been endorsed for re-election in 2016 by the Harris County Tejano Democrats!

National Political Blog Reports on Our Re-Election Campaign

Published on 6/25/16

National political blog DailyKos.com reported on our campaign for re-election lately.  It’s a really nicely written piece.  We are very proud to be included in their 2016 coverage.  Here’s a link to the piece:  https://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/6/10/1536200/-Elections-Harris-County-TX-Judge-Mike-Engelhart




Published on 6/25/16

I am very proud to report that our campaign for re-election has been endorsed by the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston (MABAH).  This endorsement is coveted by judicial candidates every cycle.  The group carefully screens and interviews candidates.  I could not be more excited to report this important endorsement.